Speak life over death.

The wounds inflicted from suicide have been left open for too long and we’ve ignored the silent cries from those at risk in our communities.

what people are saying


The message of hope and life in Christ, combined with Chad’s personal testimony, not only captivated the audience, but I was deeply moved by the immense number of people who responded to his call to embrace life. It was a wake- up call for our church....

Phil and Lucinda Dooley
Lead Pastors, Hillsong Church
Cape Town, South Africa


Chad addresses the global epidemic of suicide and exposes the lies behind these tragedies...ultimately, revealing the redemptive truth found only through Jesus.

Mike Haman
Lead Pastor, Healing Place Church
Baton Rouge, LA

Life Events Locations


REquest Info

Inviting us to host a Life Event at your school, church, or community center gives you the opportunity to tackle this tough topic, spread awareness, and minister to those at risk and who need help the most.